
A Comprehensive Data-Driven Solution For Indian Child Welfare and Family Safety


The Power Of Hemaiya

Discover the power of Hemaiya, the ultimate database solution for safeguarding child welfare and family safety. Our comprehensive platform goes beyond just recording information; it's designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of the strengths and challenges of the children and families you serve. Built on core principles of relationship-building, safety planning, and progress monitoring, Hemaiya helps you steer children towards a brighter future.

With Hemaiya, your organization will experience improved child and family well-being outcomes. Our platform facilitates better communication with everyone involved in the case, ensuring timely and actionable information that increases accountability. From creating sophisticated case plans based on Signs of Safety to promoting family reunification, Hemaiya can help your organization achieve its goals. Say goodbye to generic solutions that don't meet your unique needs; Hemaiya is tailored to the needs of child welfare organizations and family safety agencies.
Hemaiya Logo

What the Tribes in USA
have to say about us

"After trying other solutions out there, we knew we still had problems. Beraten has been incredibly helpful in analyzing EBCI policies and procedures and gave us what we wanted to examine our data and move forward with best practices. I recommend Hemaiya to other tribes looking to improve their child and family outcomes."

- Director of Family Safety

"Hemaiya has been very helpful in giving all the information we need at our fingertips. It really feels like Beraten is designing the database around our tribal needs. I'm excited to see what the outcomes will allow us to do."

- Family Safety Supervisor

"The referral process in Hemaiya is easier than I first thought. It allows me to get the crucial information I need from start to finish. The other agencies we work with have reported that they like the new referral much better and it is easier to read."

- Investigator/Intake-Worker

Explore What's In It For You

  • Role and Privilege Based User Specific Security
  • Comprehensive Intake Process and Screening
  • Family Tree Structures and Fostercare Structures
  • Investigative Assessments Including CANS
  • Data Informed Case Plans and Case Notes
  • Enhanced Supervisor Approval Workflows
  • Timely Alerts on Personalized Dashboards
  • Effective Staff Communication Tools
  • Case Document Storage
  • Easy Management of Historical Data on:
    Removals, Placements, and Discharges
  • Data Exchange and System Integration
  • Everything You Need for AFCARS Generation

Experience A New Vision

Hemaiya can help your organization understand the children you care about.
From recording the intake information to creating sophisticated safety and case plans, Hemaiya can help you gain a better understanding of family strengths and their challenges.
Increase the productivity of Family Safety workers and help drive better outcomes for your children and their families with Hemaiya.
Card 1

Identify problems and possible solutions by building better relationships with children and families

Card 2

Observe patterns by monitoring the progress and help them move forward

Card 3

Work with children and their families to help steer them towards a brighter future

Experience &

Have us set up a demo account for you so you can discover the benefits and find what's in it for your tribe.